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SS3 Agriculture Science

Animal Health Management


Define Diseases. State the causal organisms of animal diseases. State and discuss factors that could predispose animals to disease and reaction of animals to diseases. Name some important diseases of livestock and their causal organism. Describe the life cycle and mode of transmission of selected livestock parasites. Identify some eco and endoparasites of livestock. Describe the life cycle and mode of transmission of selected livestock parasites Discuss preventive, control and curative methods of important animal diseases important diseases.

What you'll learn
  • Meaning of diseases
  • Casual organisms: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoa
  • a) Factors that control predispose animals to diseases:
  • -Health status of animals
  • -Nutrition
  • -Management etc.
  • b) Reactions of animals to diseases: susceptibility and resistance to diseases.
  • Symptoms, effects and mode of transmission of selected diseases e.g.
  • i) Viral diseases-foot and mouth, rinderpest, Newcastle etc.
  • ii) Bacterial – anthrax, brucellosis, tuberculosis etc.
  • iii) Protozoa- trypanosomiasis, coccidiosis etc.
  • vi) Fungal-scabies, ringworm.
  • Parasites: Meaning of parasites - Mode of transmission and life cycles of some selected livestock parasites.
  • General methods of prevention and control of diseases and parasites: Quarantine, inoculation, etc.
  • Control of parasites: Dipping, drenching, spraying and deworming.