Recognise that some nutrients (micronutrients) are needed in small qualities while others (macronutrients) are needed in large quantities Show experimental that the break-down of carbohydrates may be partial (fermentation) or complete Recognise that cells require proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the production of new protoplasm, for repair, growth and provision of energy Recognise that certain cells are autotrophic and others are heterotrophic Discuss the role of enzymes in digestion Infer that excretion is the removal of metabolic waste products from the cell which may be toxic or which are in excess of the cell needs. removal of waste products is by diffusion through the body contractile vacuole. Identify growth as (i) increase in dry weight (ii) irreversible increase in size and length (iii) increase in number of cells Demonstrate by experiments factors that affect growth. Explain ability of cell to detect and respond to external stimuli. Identity structural adaptations for mobility e.g. Cilla and flagella. Recognise reproduction as the ability of living things to produce new individuals of their type