SS2 Biology

Transportation System


Define diffusion. Explain the inadequacy of diffusion alone as a transport system for complex organisms. Explain the necessity of a transport system in complex organisms. Identify the source of materials and where they are transported to Discuss the different types of transportation media such a cytoplasm, cell sap, lymph and blood. Describe the mechanisms of transportation in various animals. Compare and contrast various mechanisms of transportation. Demonstrate experimentally the flow of materials in plant.

What you'll learn
  • Definition of diffusion and osmosis and the principle behind them
  • Need for diffusion.
  • Transport system in large organisms.
  • Need for substances to move over greater distances.
  • Materials for transportation.
  • Structure of arteries, veins, capillaries, vascular bundles
  • Media of transportation
  • (i) Fluid as medium of transportation - structure and function of blood
  • (ii) Cytoplasm in small organisms
  • (iii) Cell sap or latex in most plants
  • (iv) Closed and open circulation
  • Mechanism of transportation:
  • (i) Organisms.
  • (ii) Multicellular organisms.
  • (iii) Higher animals.
  • (iv) Higher plants.
  • Absorption of water and material salts.