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SS2 Chemistry

Periodic Table(i)


-The periodic law -Arrangement of common elements into groups (families) and periods -Distinguishing between the families of elements on the periodic table -The changes in the properties of elements down the group and across periods -The relationship between ionization energy and electron affinity and the properties of elements down the groups and across periods -The diagonal relationship in the properties of elements

What you'll learn
  • -Periodic Law
  • -Blocks of elements: metals, non-metals, metalloids, and transition metals
  • -Families: s-p-d-f-(according to groupsNI - VIII i.e. Group IA- Alkali Metals, Group IIA - alkali Earth and other family names)
  • -Properties: changes in sizes and change down the group and across periods and accompanying changes in properties.
  • -Diagonal relationships
  • -Ionization energy and electron affinity changes down the group and across the period.