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SS3 Biology

Reproductive System and Reproduction in Humans


Identify the various parts of the male and female reproductive system in man. Draw, label and describe the structures of the male and female reproductive organs in man. State the function of the various parts of the male and female reproductive systems in man. Compare the structures. Draw, label and describe the structure of the male and female gametes (sperm and ovum). Explain the process of fertilization in man List the conditions necessary for survival.

What you'll learn
  • Reproductive systems in male and female (human):
  • (i) Functions of its various parts.
  • (ii) The structure of a male sperm cell and structure of an ovum.
  • Fertilization:
  • (i) Fusion of gametes.
  • (ii) Implantation.
  • Development of Embryo:
  • (i) Selective exchange between mother and child.
  • (ii) Removal of excretory products from a foetus.
  • (iii) Survival conditions like food, oxygen, amniotic fluid, placenta and umbilical cord.