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SS3 Agriculture Science

Marketing of Agricultural Produce


State the meaning and importance of agricultural marketing. List the various marketing agents/channels. State the advantages and disadvantages of various channels. List the functions performed by marketing agents. Mention and list the types of crops that are commonly expected to other nations. Rules that guide exportation of crops. Importance of exports to agricultural development.

What you'll learn
  • Meaning or importance of marketing.
  • .Marketing agents e.g. -Retailers and wholesalers(middlemen)
  • Marketing Functions:
  • i) Assembling
  • ii) Transportation
  • iii). Processing, etc.
  • Marketing of export crops.
  • Export crops in Nigeria.
  • -Cocoa, Cotton, Oil palm, Rubber etc.
  • Guidelines for Exporting crop in Nigeria.
  • Corporate Bodies, Cooperative societies and individuals engaged in exporting agricultural products e.g.
  • ANCE- Association of Nigerian Cooperative Exporters. Etc.
  • Importance of exporting agricultural products
  • -Foreign exchange earnings
  • -Wealth creation for farmers, etc.
  • Problems of marketing agricultural products.
  • -inadequate road network
  • -inadequate processing and storage facilities, etc