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SS3 Mathematics



Differentiating between rational and irrational numbers The rules of addition and subtraction and apply them is simplifying surds The rules of multiplication ands division and apply them in simplifying surd/nConjugate binomial surds. The concept of surds to problems involving trigonometric ratios of angles 300 , 600 Drawing graphs of sine and cosine for angles 0 ≤ x ≤ 360

What you'll learn
  • Meaning of rationa and irrational numbers leading to the definition of surds.
  • The rules guiding basic operation with surds i.e. √a + √b ≠√a+b √a - √b ≠√a-b √a x √b ≠√axb √a ÷√b ≠√a/b
  • Conjugate of a binomial surds using the idea of difference of two squares.
  • Application to solving triangles involving trigonometric ratios of special angles 30°,60° and 45°.
  • Evaluation of expressions involving surds.