Identify all the component parts of simple cell amd accumulator. Solve problems involving series and parallel connections of resistors and cells. Convert galvanometer to an ammeter and to a voltmeter. State and demonstrate the condition for a balanced wheatstone bridge circuit and deduce the condition for balance meter bridge circuit. State and demonstrate the condition for a balanced whetdtone bridge circuit and deduce the condition for balanced meter bridge circuit. Explain the basic principle of the potentimeter circuit. Explain the conditions underwhich liquids and gases conduct electricity. Explain the behaviour of charges or charge centres in liquids and gases in the electric field. Describe an application on electrical conduction through liquids and gases. Calculate the electric force between two charges. Explain electric field intensity and electric potential. Explain the term capacitance. Calculate the equivalent capacitance for series and parallel arrangements of capacitors. Determine the energy stored in a capacitor.