List farm animal diseases
State modes of transmission of farm animal diseases
Identify symptoms of farm animals. diseases
State effects of diseases on the farm animals
State some methods of prevention and control
What you'll learn
- Farm animal diseases:
- a) Bacteria:
- - mastitis
- - contagious abortion in ruminants, pigs, etc.
- b) Fungal:
- - ring worm (all farm animals)
- c) Viral:
- - foot and mouth disease (all animals except poultry)
- d) Protozoan:
- - coccidiosis in poultry and rabbit
- - trypanosomiasis (nagana) (cattle)
- e) Worms (all farm animals)
- f) Nutritional-bloat (cattle)
- Modes of transmission of farm animals disease: - contact with the infected animals, or discharges, or vector (tsetse fly), etc
- The symptoms of farm animal diseases e.g. enlarged udder, sores, high fever, blood stained, diarrhea, loss of weight, loss of hair, reduced productivity, abortion, death
- Effects of diseases on farm animals:
- - reduce productivity
- - loss of appetite
- - loss of weight
- - death
- Methods of prevention and control:
- - adopting good sanitation practices
- - medication/ immunization
- - isolation/disposal etc