JSS1 Agriculture Science

Classes and Uses of Crops


Identify crop plant forms Classify crops according to forms, life span, uses, and types State the various uses of crops

What you'll learn
  • Crop Plant Forms:
  • - Monocotyledonous e.g. maize, guinea corn.
  • - Dicotyledonous e.g. bean, melon
  • Classification of Crops based on:
  • - Life span:
  • - annuals (e.g. maize, yam), etc.
  • - Perennials (e.g. cocoa, mango), etc
  • Uses of Crops:
  • - food e.g. cereals, tubers, pulses, fruits and vegetables
  • - oil crops
  • - spices
  • - latex
  • - beverage
  • - fiber
  • - source of carbohydrate, protein, fat and oil, minerals, vitamin etc